Graduate Student Directory

Adriana Maroto Vargas
  • Title
    • Ph.D. Candidate
  • Division Social Sciences Division
  • Department
    • Latin American & Latino Studies
  • Email
  • Website
  • Office Location
    • Crown College Faculty Wing, None
  • Mail Stop Merrill/Crown Faculty Services
  • Mailing Address
    • 1156 High Street
    • Santa Cruz California 95064

Research Interests

My research interests focus on a feminist analysis of the neoconservative project in Latin America through the perspective of women who participate in neo-Pentecostal churches in Costa Rica. I am working on two research questions: (a) Why do women engage in neo-Pentecostal churches?  How do they understand their political and community participation in these churches? (b) How do neo-Pentecostal women adapt, resist, navigate, (re)signify, conform to and/or challenge oppressive structures, such as neoliberalism, neoconservatism, and patriarchy, through their religious beliefs and practices? How do neo-Pentecostal women explain their lived realities (including material conditions, family and community dynamics, gender expectations, and perspectives about the future) through their religious beliefs and practices?

Biography, Education and Training

Academic Master in Sociology, University of Costa Rica, 2012

Licentiate's Degree in Psychology, University of Costa Rica, 2003

Bachelor's degree in Psychology, University of Costa Rica, 2000 


Honors, Awards and Grants

  • LALS QE Fellowship, Winter 2023.
  • CITL Graduate Pedagogy Fellowship, 2021-2022.
  • UC Santa Cruz Chancellor's fellowship, 2020-2021.
  • International Doctoral Recruitment Fellowship 2020-2022.

Selected Publications

Publications from the last six years:

Maroto Vargas, A. (2021). La Familia en Disputa: el caso de Costa Rica, 2000-2019. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, (171), 37–55. 

Maroto-Vargas, A. & Carrillo-Valverde, D. (2021). Aprendizaje y retos de la acción social: sistematización de la experiencia de la Escuela de Psicología, Universidad de Costa Rica. Revista Universidad en Diálogo, 11(1) 103-133. DOI:

Maroto-Vargas, A., Molina-Fallas, L. & Prado-Calderón, J.E. (2017). Características sociodemográficas y motivos de consulta de las personas atendidas en el Centro de Atención Psicológica de la Universidad de Costa Rica (2004-2013). Revista Costarricense de Psicología. 36(1), 23-44. Available in

Castillo-Echeverría, C. & Maroto-Vargas, A. (2017). El suicidio desde un enfoque psicosocial y de salud comunitaria: los resultados del diagnóstico en Santa María de Dota, San José Costa Rica. Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos. 43, 447-472. Available in

Maroto-Vargas, A. (2017). El suicidio en el ámbito comunitario: lineamientos para su abordaje. Revista Reflexiones. 96 (01), 27-39. Available in

Castillo-Echeverría, C. & Maroto-Vargas, A. (2017). Los desafíos asociados al uso del enfoque de Salud Comunitaria para comprender y prevenir el suicidio. Miradas sentidas y situadas: experiencias con grupos y comunidades. San José: Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Castillo Echeverría, C. & Maroto Vargas, A. (2017). Los alcances de un diagnóstico comunitario sobre suicidio: reflexiones a partir de una experiencia. Revista Latinoamericana de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, 7(1), e017.

Teaching Interests

Teaching Assistant, University of California Santa Cruz (2021-2023)         

  1. LALS 1 - Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies. 
  2. LALS-5 Introduction to Human Rights and Social Justice. 
  3. LALS-60 Latin American Childhood. 
  4. LALS-100B. Cultural Theory in the Americas.  
  5. LALS-194S Nature/Cultures of Latin America.

Teaching and researching, Universidad de Costa Rica (San José, Costa Rica) (2011-2020)                       

  1. Department of Psychology. Teoría Psicosocial I, Teoría Psicosocial II, and Investigación VIII. 
  2. Central American Master in Sociology. Taller de Tesis. 
  3. Master Health and Clinical Psychology. Promoción de la Salud y Participación Social.