Awards, Publications, and Announcements

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    Bree Booth

    Received funding through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Américas for the Research Cluster, "Queer Identities and Sexualities in the Americas: Memories of Activism, Aesthetics and Performance," with Mario Gomez-Zamora, Jennifer Gottlieb, Edward Salazar Celis, and Allen Magaña (2023-24) 

    Graduate Fellow, UC-HSI Summer Publishing Institute (2023)

    Latin American and Latino Studies Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for 2022-23 (June 2023)

    Received a grant through the UC-MRPI Routes of Enslavement in the Americas project (2023)

    Received funding through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Américas for the Research Cluster, "Archival Methods Reading Group," with Marina Dadico Amâncio de Souza and Brittney Jimenez-Bayardo, from the Department of Latin American and Latino Studies, and Graciela Sierra-Moreno, from the Department of Literature (December 2022)

    Recipient of the Lionel Cantu Memorial Award through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas (2022)

    Received funding through the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Dissertation Proposal Development Program for 2020-21 (March 2021)

    In the news:

    March 11, 2022: The Humanities Institute Grad Profile: Bree Booth


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    Marina Dadico Amâncio de Souza

    Awarded the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA)'s Brazilian Initiation Scholarship (BIS) to do exploratory research during the summer in Pará, Brazil, for her project "Between Black Roots and Asphalt: Quilombola Political Struggles in West Pará (1888-1988)" (April 2023)

    Received funding through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Américas for the Research Cluster, "Archival Methods Reading Group," with Brittney Jimenez and Bree Booth, from the Department of Latin American and Latino Studies, and Graciela Sierra-Moreno, from the Department of Literature (December 2022)

    "A universidade como espaço de luta: As experiências políticas de jovens militantes de Porto Alegre (RS)", written with Camila Bonin Liebgott and Samantha Medeiros Ferreira, published in the journal Cadernos de Pós-Graduação (Uninove) (December 2022)


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    Rafael Delgadillo

    UC President's Dissertation-Year Fellowship. (2023-2024)

    Gave a two-part presentation for a webinar series conducted by the Historic New Orleans Collection on the historic connections between New Orleans and Latin America. (April 2021)

    Invited to be a Scholar-in-Residence for 2019-20 at the University of New Orleans. (June 2019)

    In the news:

    July 28, 2023: Latin American & Latino Studies students win big in awards, fellowships

    September 30, 2021: Graduate student studying New Orleans' Latin American Connections


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    Ana Flecha

    Published "Currents of knowledge: The Santo Daime bailado as decolonial dance" in the peer-reviewed journal Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, English and Portuguese (2023)

    Published "Matrix Theory and Women who Work with Plant Spirit Medicines", The Archive of Healing, (2023)

    Published "What do Santo Daime and 'raves' have in common? The answer might move you", English, Spanish, and Portuguese,, (2020, 2021, 2023)

    Graduate Fellow, UC-HSI Summer Publishing Institute (2022)

    Awarded Research Center for the Americas Grant, Concepts of Indigeneity in the Twenty-first Century (2022)

    Awarded a Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant (2021)

    LALS QE Fellowship (2021)

    Received funding through the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Dissertation Proposal Development Program for 2020-2021 (March 2021)

    Awarded a 2019 Source Research Foundation Award and grant for her proposal on spiritual dance integration with Santo Daime and women's roles in the church (September 2019)

    In the news:

    October 7, 2021: The Humanities Institute Grad Profile: Ana Flecha


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    Mario Alberto Gómez-Zamora

    Received funding through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Américas for the Research Cluster, "Queer Identities and Sexualities in the Americas: Memories of Activism, Aesthetics and Performance," with Jennifer Gottlieb, Bree Booth, Edward Salazar Celis, and Allen Magaña (2023) 

    Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, Honorific Mention. (March 2023)

    Crossing Latinidades Mellon Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship, Research Working Group on The Latinx Past: Archive, Memory, Speculation. (2022 – 2023)

    UCSC Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship. (Winter 2022)

    Poetical piece “Encounters with the Memory of My Abuelo,” in Los Angeles Review of Books, PubLab Journal. (July 2022)

    Chapter “Un Ejercicio Pedagógico para Descolonizar la Enseñanza de la Historia,” pp. 89-117. Edited by Dení Trejo & Franciso Dosil in La escuela más allá de los pupitres: Experiencias de educación Histórica en Michoacán, México: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. (October 2021)

    Published a poem in the Los Angeles Review of Books PubLab journal (August 2021). "A Tzintzún (Hummingbird) Emerging"

    Awarded a 2021 Los Angeles Review of Books Fellowship and Publishing Workshop admission for Summer 2021 (April 2021)

    Awarded a 2020 Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant for his project "The P’urhépecha Sexualities in the Local and in the Transnational Space" (April 2020)

    In the news:

    November 13, 2019: The Humanities Institute Grad Profile: Mario Alberto Gómez-Zamora


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    Brittney Jimenez-Bayardo

    Awarded a Mellon Foundation Crossing Latinidades Humanities Fellowship (AY 2023-2024)

    Awarded a Crossing Latinidades Research Initiative Summer Fellowship (June 2023)

    Selected as the Center for Archival Research and Training (CART)

    Fellow: Florence Wyckoff Papers and William MacKenzie Papers (2022-2023)

    Awarded a Podcasting the Humanities: Creating Digital Stories for the Public Fellowship (January 2023)

    Received funding through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Américas for the Research Cluster, "Archival Methods Reading Group," with Bree Booth and Marina Dadico Amâncio de Souza, from the Department of Latin American and Latino Studies, and Graciela Sierra-Moreno, from the Department of Literature (December 2022)

    Selected as the California Institute of Integral Studies Housing and Sexuality Research Fellow (Summer 2022)

    Published an essay in the Los Angeles Review of Books PubLab journal "Colonization and the Construction of Patriarchal Ideals in Chicano* Hip-Hop” (August 2022)

    Awarded a 2022 Los Angeles Review of Books Fellowship and Publishing Workshop Admission (May 2022)

    Awarded the CSU Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (Fall 2021)

    In the news:

    July 28, 2023: Latin American & Latino Studies students win big in awards, fellowships


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    Boyeong Kim

    Awarded a Social Sciences Quarter Dissertation Fellowship, UCSC (2023)

    Awarded a Social Sciences Summer Dissertation-Writing Fellowship, UCSC (2023)

    Chosen for Online Course Development program, UCSC (2022-2023)

    Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning Graduate Pedagogy Fellow for 2023-2024, UCSC (2023)

    Awarded a STARS Scholarship, UCSC Women's Club (2021)

    Awarded a 2020 Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant for her project "Developmentalism and Gendered Citizenship in Chile and South Korea" (April 2020)

    Received funding through the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Dissertation Proposal Development Program for 2019-20 (March 2020)


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    Karina Ruiz

    Awarded UC President’s Pre-Professoriate Fellowship (2022)

    Graduate Fellow, UC-HSI Summer Publishing Institute (2022)

    Lionel Cantú Memorial Award (2021)

    Blum Center Scholar Award (2020)

    Awarded a summer research grant from the UCSC Blum Center on Poverty, Social Enterprise, and Participatory Governance for her project "Citizen Children and Mixed-Status Family Affective Landscapes" (May 2020)

    Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Honorable Mention (2019)

    Koret Scholars Mentorship Award (June 2019)

    Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning Graduate Pedagogy Fellow for 2019-20 (December 2018)

    Awarded UCSC Research Center for the Americas Graduate Research MiniGrant (2018)

    Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Honorable Mention (2018)

    Latin American and Latino Studies Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for 2017-2018 (June 2018)

    UCSC Oakes Faculty Project Fund Award (2018)

    Awarded UCSC Chicano Latino Research Center Research Cluster Grant (2017)

    In the news:

    July 28, 2023: Latin American & Latino Studies students win big in awards, fellowships


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    Edward Salazar Celis

    Co-Principal Investigator, Expanding Latinx Studies at and beyond UC Santa Cruz, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (2023-24)

    Received funding through the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Américas for the Research Cluster, "Queer Identities and Sexualities in the Americas: Memories of Activism, Aesthetics and Performance," with Bree Booth, Jennifer Gottlieb, Mario Gomez-Zamora, and Allen Magaña (2023-24) 

    Summer Publishing Fellowship, UC-Hispanic Serving Institutions Doctoral Diversity Initiative (Summer 2023)

    Dean's Travel Grant, UCSC - (Spring 2023)

    UCHRI Multicampus Graduate Working Groups Fellowship (2023-24)

    Chancellor's Fellowship - University of California, Santa Cruz (2022-23)

    Research Scholarship in Photographic Patrimony, Ministry of Culture, Colombia (2016-2017)

    Master's Excellence Scholarship - Los Andes University, Colombia (2011-2012)

    New Generation Young Research, Ministry of Science, Colombia (2011-2012)

    Best Sociological Bachelor Dissertation Award, National University of Colombia (2010)


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    Gabriela Segura

    Awarded the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Award from the U.S. Department of Education to perform dissertation work in Brazil 2021-2022 (August 2020)

    Selected as a Public Humanities Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) to design and teach a new Memory and the Americas course for The Humanities Institute’s Questions that Matter Series (May 2020)

    Latin American and Latino Studies Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for 2018-19 (June 2019)

    Received funding through the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Dissertation Proposal Development Program for 2019-2020 (March 2019)


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    Alejandra Watanabe Farro

    2024 – UC President’s Dissertation-Year Fellowship, UCSC
    2022 – Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas (DHRCA) Graduate Student Grant, UCSC
    2021 – Colibri Circle Writing Grant, Latinx Chicanx Resource Center, UCSC
    2021 – Research Center for the Americas Graduate Student Grant, UCSC
    2020 – P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS)
    2020 – Tinker Foundation Field Research Grant to conduct preliminary work in Chile and Peru
    2019 – Research Center for the Americas Research Cluster Grant – Critical Cultural Political Economy Research Cluster now Extractivism and Society Research Cluster
    2019 – P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS)
    2019 – Chancellor’s Fellowship, UCSC


    Watanabe Farro, A., Hernández Garavito, C., Mejía, A., Méndez, C., Molina-Vital, C., Noles Cotito, M., Pereyra Chávez, N. & Smith, A. (2023). Protests in Peru: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Structural Crisis.Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 32(1), 157-175. DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2023.2219209

    Watanabe Farro, A., Hernández Garavito, C., Mejía, A., Méndez, C., Molina-Vital, C., Noles Cotito, M., Pereyra Chávez, N. & Smith, A. (2023, July 30). Protestas en el Perú: perspectivas interdisciplinarias para entender una crisis estructural. Travesía. Read here

    Artiga-Purcell, J. A., Chiasson-LeBel, T., Leiva, F., & Watanabe-Farro, A. (2023). Disaster Extractivism: Latin America’s Extractive Shock Therapy in the Age of COVID-19. Latin American Perspectives, 50(4), 172-192. DOI: 10.1177/0094582X231187886

    Chiasson-LeBel, T., Artiga-Purcel, A., & Watanabe-Farro, A. (2020, October 1). Pandemia y extractivismo: una contaminación colonizadora cruzada. Read here

    Watanabe Farro, A. & Raez Luna, E. (2020). Decolonizing Climate Politics from a Feminist Political Ecology Perspective: Nationally Determined Contributions against Global Warming in a Tropical Andean Nation. In Peru in the 21st Century: Progress, Trends, and Challenges, edited by Mariela Noles Cotito. Nova Science Publishers, New York.